Women Who Sell With Felicia Mentzal-Ernstved

‘Women Who Sell' is all about showcasing women who excel in sales, thrive, and challenge stereotypes. We feature real perspectives on what it's like, the barriers, and the breakthroughs.

Here, Felicia Mentzel-Ernstved, Renewals Manager at Miro shares her take.

What is your job title?

Senior Account Executive.

How did you get into sales and what makes it the career of your choice?

I fell into sales by accident.

With a background in Leisure Management, I never anticipated a career in sales, nor did I expect to enjoy it as much as I do. On the day lockdown was announced, I was contacted on LI about a sales development role. At a time when I was uncertain about the future of my position, the timing couldn’t have been better. Sales proved to be the perfect match for my competitive nature and enabled me to develop valuable skills.  

Are there any barriers you have faced as a woman working in sales, and how have you overcome them?

I’ve been fortunate to enter sales at a time when there is a significant focus on gender equality. However, unconscious bias still exists, and I find the best approach is to educate people on the matter.

Thankfully, recent years have shown substantial progress, and I hope this positive change continues. Having strong female role models within sales has been instrumental in building my confidence and navigating my career.

What do you like the most about being a woman in sales?

I love the challenge, the ongoing skill development and the versatile nature of the job. However, the most rewarding aspect is making a difference by solving problems, and helping companies address their challenges and ultimately seeing them succeed.

What advice do you have for a woman wanting to get into sales and those wanting to advance?

Do it! Sales will help you build valuable skills, such as negotiation, communication and resilience, which will benefit you both professionally and personally.

For those looking to advance; network actively, communicate your goals and aspirations, don’t be afraid to showcase your achievements and always seek feedback and opportunities for growth.

If you would like to get involved with the blog series and share your story as a woman in the sales industry, we’d LOVE to hear from you. And head over to Women Who Sell’s LinkedIn for more content.


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